1) Why do you want to join W12? cause im S E X Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) What clans have you been in, what’s the leader’s name?... Too many to name
3) What two current W12 Refferals? all
4) Will you post once a week on W12 Site?pfft no
5) Will you be active on W12 and its events?... no
6) Estimated time you spend on RS a week?last year about 6 days of the week.... now about 2 hrs if your all lucky
7) Will you read and follow the rules of W12? no
What country do you live in, and time zone?US of A est time zone
9) What’s your strength? Ranger, Mage, Melee... or all of the above? none (ask ruler and mx)
10) How can you contribute to W12?i can't... wait, no,.. i can flame bait
11) What is your age?Not Neccasary. 92
12) Combat lvl, Mage lvl, Range lvl?131, 88, 79,.... kay?
13) On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate yourself for loyalty?well i been bsing w12 lately so... 1
14) Will you follow all Jagex Rules?probally not
15) What’s your pet’s name? lol........ mxelectricxm