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Team W12

The World 12 Pits Crew
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 Application Form

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Pits King Priest
High Council
High Council
Pits King Priest

Posts : 35
Join date : 2009-04-13
Age : 32
Location : United States

Application Form Empty
PostSubject: Application Form   Application Form EmptyTue Apr 14, 2009 2:30 pm

1) Why do you want to join W12?
2) What clans have you been in, what’s the leader’s name?
3) What two current W12 Refferals?
4) Will you post once a week on W12 Site?
5) Will you be active on W12 and its events?
6) Estimated time you spend on RS a week?
7) Will you read and follow the rules of W12?
Cool What country do you live in, and time zone?
9) What’s your strength? Ranger, Mage, Melee... or all of the above?
10) How can you contribute to W12?
11) What is your age?Not Neccasary.
12) Combat lvl, Mage lvl, Range lvl?
13) On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate yourself for loyalty?
14) Will you follow all Jagex Rules?
15) What’s your pet’s name? lol........

Welcome to W12!

This introduction is to inform new applicants of W12 standard procedures on joining as a member.
You must meet the minimum requirement to join W12.
To be listed on Runehead, you must have .... combat and .... mage or range. If you do not meet this requirement you can still be a W12 member, but simply wont show on RH until you reach that requirement.
You must have a reference from at least "two members" or a personal invite by a leader to even be considered for membership.

W12 is a multifaceted clan with various activities including Pits, Castle Wars, Clan Wars, Trawler, Pking, Soul Wars, some fun events and others.

W12 is about #1 "Fun Factor" #2 "Honesty" #3 Maturity #4 Dedication

Most of W12 members are over the age of 15 and are a tight group of people from all over the world.
If you are accepted into W12 you obviously must abide by the rules. Immature behavior as seen on many other clans is NOT PERMITTED whatsoever.
Please re read the above statement so you fully understand.

We do reserve the right to Ban anyone for any reason if so deemed by both leaders or High Council of W12!
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